Sunday, August 21, 2011

There are so many good things going on in the garden right now, although I am getting sick of zucchini and squash, the cherry tomatoes are going strong and my favorite little snack while gardening.  I love eating them when the are just picked and still warm from the sun, its like eating sunshine! Here is a shot of the pumpkins with squash, corn, eggplant, and rosemary in the background.

 Super curly goodness on the cuc vine! I love watching all the little vines twist curl and find all the little places to grow out into. I think half the fun in the garden is watching how everything grows, once I get to this point, I don't really care anymore if I get any veggies out of them, I  really enjoy watching the process of growth.
 This is a shot from my garden window this morning, probably completely boring for most, but I love watching my cat sitting and relaxing in my garden. It makes me so happy.
 I took a trip out to one of my favorite you pick it farms with my friend Marsha this weekend, it so fun to visit there, but as usual, I got busted for wandering around the rows I was not supposed to be in. Once I start looking at all the plants, I just kinda zone out and forget to follow the rules. The cotton is on the move and really doing cool stuff. I don't think I will be able to get it to its full bloom time, but the warmer weather is really helping right now. This plant is really making my summer!
 The okra keeps going strong as well, I  just can't get enough of it!
 I have been working on my rose garden little by little this summer, but I finally got one of the bushes to work up and vine into the old bed frame I have in the garden. :) I love it!! woohoo!!
 Purple roses make me so happy!

 I took a trip out to one of my favorite you pick it farm, Berry Patch Farms, with my friend Marsha this weekend. It so fun to visit there, but as usual, I got busted for wandering around the rows I was not supposed to be in. Once I start looking at all the plants, I just kinda zone out and forget to follow the rules.  The above shot is of the little shopping area at the farm where you can just buy the already picked goodies.

 These sun flowers at Berry Patch Farms were wonderful to gaze at! I need to grow this variety next year!!! I hope everyone out there is enjoying the beauty around you everyday! hugs and love!

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