Saturday, April 7, 2012

Happy Easter!

The last two weeks were rather slow for me in the yard, a cold combined with colder weather, and a little snow kept me in the house for to long. The seedlings that I planted inside are sprouting up nicely, and always makes the day easier when spring fever hits!  
 It got down to 28 degrees the other night, so I was worried that my outdoor seedlings and flowering trees would be damaged, but they were okay, thank goodness! I am hoping they make it through this early spring.
 I used 2 liter soda bottles cut in half to protect my outdoor seedlings, it worked so great! I read about trying this, and since I don't drink soda I had my Mom save me a bunch of them, it was great, I had them cut and ready to go, so when the the temperature dipped I just plopped these little suckers out in the garden, worked like a charm!
 Before the snow hit I decided to move some flagstone and extend the path out into the garden. It previously stopped right after those 4 football shaped stones, which are reclaimed weights for my Cousin Seans Pumpkin launcher, they work great as stepping stones, but at 80 pounds each they were a bear to bury, the flag stone was much easier to move and will be much easier to bury once I decide that is where I want them.
I also added more rocks the little divider I am making between the grass and the garden beds, I can't believe how many rocks I have dug up in this yard. Every time I dig I find more, I swear the people who lived her before me must have been geologists or something!  There is so much to do in the yard again this spring, I love having work to do, it's slowly coming together and looking more and more like the vision in my head. I still have many projects to do, the greenhouse is going up this spring, the shed is going up by the end of summer, and much more planting of course!
All of my bulbs are coming up nicely, tulips, crocus, hyacinth (smells like gardenia's so awesome), the allium are coming up, iris, and the roses are growing like crazy as well. There is so much to see in the yard, but much more to do, this weekend is all about the yard. I am turning over 2 new beds, laying out watering lines, measuring for placement of the greenhouse, digging up grass in the front yard so I can start laying stones where the plumbers dug up the yard to lay the new pipes in January, that will make for a nice path to the house. :) I have tons of seeds to plant this weekend indoors as well as outdoors, and of course I have to somehow figure out how to get to both parents Easter celebrations, one Saturday and one Sunday, the only part of the weekend that sucks, is I will be missing my God Daughters first soccer game, :( boo! Other then that, the weekend should be very uplifting and full of good dirt digging!
Of course being stuck inside didn't slow me down, even with a cold :), I painted my guestroom white, it was a tan color before, I really did not like it. Now its shiny fresh "moon rise" white, the accent colors are going to monochromatic purples, and whites. I am still looking for bookshelves in white, but they are hard to find, so I may have to paint some, I need to find a desk, but once I get more of it put together I will share photos, but so far I love it. The cat and I had a little mini getaway this week by sleeping in the room a few nights, I am such a dork!

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